The divisive politics in our nation's capital has led to the lack of preservation of individual rights and freedoms for all citizens, as well as reckless spending of taxpayers' money. For too long the constituents have been ignored and taken for granted and it is time for a change. We need fresh and invigorating representation not hampered by special interests and national political aspirations. I enjoy meeting and listening to the ideas and perspectives of constituents from this great district in pursuit of a more perfect union. This is why I am running for U.S. Congress as a Representative of Maryland's 5th district. It would be an honor to represent you in Congress. Together we can ensure our nation’s bright future.
About Chris
Chris is a former U.S. Capitol Police officer, and self-taught web programmer/designer. He is an advocate for maintaining constitutional liberties, individual rights and freedoms, fiscal responsibility, and limited government.
More About ChrisThe Issues
Free market principles and pro-growth policies are best for promoting a healthy and competitive economy, thus empowering individuals to more opportunities and jobs.
Rights & Freedoms
We are being challenged as a nation in losing our freedoms and inalienable rights - life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. We must protect these rights.
There's a reason why the approval rating for Congress is so low. There is a great lack of transparency and accountability from members of Congress who are to serve their citizens. We need term limits. Congress must balance the budget.
The national debt is over $31 trillion dollars and climbing. Record inflation is digging into the paychecks and harming everyday Americans. I will work to balance the budget and end the reckless spending of your tax dollars in Washington, DC.
We need to make sure we effectively invest in our roads, bridges, energy, and even drinking water, so they are maintained and built for the future.
Consumer Protection
Bulk data collection has become a commodity and the consumers privacy and data are vulnerable. We need to hold companies accountable and transparent on the information they record and profit on consumers.
Chris Palombi is the definition of a well-rounded, well-grounded person.
His agenda is rock solid, embracing our traditional belief in constitutional rights, civil liberties, American exceptionalism, and the rule of law. As important, he is one of the precious few candidates willing to address our out-of-control federal debt.
Today, our civil liberties are under attack. While many of our fellow citizens recognize the problem, Chris is willing to take the challenge head-on.
That's leadership for our time.
He will fight for our values.
- Governor Bob Ehrlich
Governor of Maryland, 2003-2007
U.S. House of Representatives, 1995-2003
Maryland House of Delegates, 1987-1995